Monday, May 16, 2011

A Special Encounter in Madrid

During my journey around the world, I have met many people and have had many amazing experiences, but none more touching than while on a short walking tour of Madrid this past Saturday. 

As I stumbled into a tapas bar across from the royal palace to rest my feet, a young waiter approached and began to describe the specials. He spoke in broken English, but enough to convey what I needed to know. He became curious about where I was from and why I was in Madrid. I told him briefly and nonchalantly of my travels around the world this past year and how I gave up my home, my car, my job and my life in the US. There was a look in his eyes that I could only describe as a quiet wonderment.

I paid my bill and headed out the door to where he followed me and insisted of knowing a way to contact me. He wanted to meet up for a coffee so he could hear more of my story. I declined, but instead gave him the address of my blog. Not thinking anything of the exchange or of the waiter, I continued on my way.

As I was walking out the door for the airport this morning, I received a phone call in my hotel room. It was Rodrigo, the waiter, desperately trying to explain his urgency in contacting me. I was in a rush and impatiently wanted to end the call so I passed along my email address. I spoke carefully to him of the shortness in time I had to spare and abruptly said goodbye. Again, not thinking anything of the exchange, I continued on my way.

As I boarded my plane for Ibiza, I received an email from Rodrigo. What he wrote touched me more than any one person has along this journey. I was flattered and humbled that such a brief encounter could have had such a lasting impression. With this experience I am reminded of the innate ability we all have to inspire and affect those around us and possibly change their lives with just our stories.

Here is what Rodrigo wrote:

Hello & will be untill another


Power would have stayed with you last night was great, when I met you at the restaurant and spoke to me about your story I felt something completely different, but rather something very brave,free & full of conviction.
After I have come to know a thousand things at his head, looking forward to go forward with my life, my desires, I saw something in you that would like that should endure as long as possible, I think it conveys something powerful, unique and gives me a go for good & cool things I always wanted to find.

If you ever want to share something with someone thinks of me, because I'll be waiting, I met you just changed a lot in me.

Scroll to the bottom of the greatness of the world, there are people who simply change your life. like you

A big hug


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